Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Rise of Science Fiction

There have been Nutty Mads fantastic science fiction books Iron Man movie films over the years covering a huge range of stories and ideas. Pioneers of the sci-fi genre include Jules Vern and H.G Wells who were coming up with imaginative and unique books covering a range of sci-fi subjects back in the nineteenth century. Once television and film had become well established as an entertainment avenue, sci-fi films began to emerge and in 1953 George Pal produced The War Of Worlds, which was based on the classic H.G Wells novel from 1898, although it was brought up to date to the current period. This film was one of many that inspired whole generations and sci-fi fans and the growing popularity of sci-fi resulted in many TV shows and films being produced.

One of the most popular hit TV series was Star Trek which was first televised on 8th September 1966, and is still gracing our screens over forty years later. Star trek has also been made into several feature-length movies over the decades and has helped establish itself as a household name along with other sci-fi greats such as Stars Wars which is considered by many to be one of the greatest science fiction films ever. Other popular science fiction greats include marvel comics and Dr Who both of which have also had films made in the past due to their success.

Science fiction is big business and these days it has gone way beyond just books and films. Many of the classics such as Stars Wars and Star Trek have a whole line of merchandise which is high on every avid collectors list. There are a huge variety of goods including model figures, clothing, costumes and Wolverine goods, to name but a few and you can even attend conventions which attract huge crowds. Haunted Mansion game fascination with science fiction seems to be endless and for many it is the perfect way to forget the hum-drum boredom of everyday life and embrace something truly out of this world.

Tanya is a part-time journalist who writes occasional articles on science fiction films and merchandise, whilst working for Forbidden Planet.

The Best Use Of Your Time

Many small companies begin as 1969 70 Topps basketball cards sole proprietorship or two-person operation (fondly called mom-and-pops). As the company grows, More Fun Comics need for additional help is realized. This business owner who used 1962 Topps baseball cards wear the operations, bookkeeping, marketing and sales hats now must decide who will help with these tasks. A choice whether to become an employer or to hire companies that provide some of these services looms overhead.

Many small business owners Spider Man choosing third-party service providers because 1) they don't call in sick or go on vacation, 2) they can be used on an as-needed or contracted basis, 3) they have the expertise and knowledge of their industry and 4) they are the professionals in their field. Often times business owners have a variety of skills, but common sense must be used when making the decision of whether to do it yourself or hire someone else (employee or sub-contractor).

Well-known purchased services are cleaning, marketing, payroll and accounting. Are your bills and invoices processed in a timely manner? If not, then a bookkeeping or accounting service would be a good opportunity for you to eliminate service charges and also get faster payment on your receivables. Are you the only person who doesn't look forward to payday? Possibly it's time to contract with a payroll service so you aren't facing the heartburn and anxiety from wondering if everything is being processed properly. Are you still maintaining your own website and trying to write a newsletter, but finding both are suffering from lack of attention? A marketing or web design firm could be the answer.

Other services that are becoming more common are professional organizers, concierge services, asset documentation providers and delivery services. Do you spend way too much time trying to remember where you put things? Then maybe it's time to hire someone to bring functionality into your office. Are you spending too much time delivering your product instead of creating marketing materials? A courier service could solve that issue. Do you do monthly or annual inventories and find you'd rather be out selling instead of counting? An asset documentation company could most likely do it faster and provide the updates in a more timely manner.

Tiffany Mullen of Eventful Florals in Zionsville, Indiana, learned how valuable it is to out-source certain tasks. She speaks to the issues all small business owners face, and validates that it isn't always just the dollars that need to be considered.

As a new business owner, Tiffany was constantly plagued with where to put the few dollars and cents she has into business related expenses. She was told about an inventory service provider, and thought "WOW" what a great idea! As she looked at the costs, she thought she could just do herself and save a few dollars. As time went on and she needed to get an accurate inventory of her retail space, she really started to feel the pressure come tax time. So, she had her part time sales girl work on the hand written inventory over a two week period. It cost her over $200 in wages, plus time lost that could have been used generating business (which has exponential value). Had she spent the time to figure out just how valuable of a service this is and how incredibly cost effective it is, Tiffany would have made a far better business decision. She has stated that she will not be making that mistake again.

Often the answer is hiring the third party service provider who can get the job done more professionally, in less time, and you'll have benefited financially by making that choice. The next time you have this decision to make, ask yourself: Is this a wise use of my time?

Visit to discover other reasons for a personal property inventory or to learn about a turn-key, complete business startup package to start a personal property inventory service.