Physical Memory Dump - How to Prevent the Physical Memory Dump With One Simple Step
We have all been there before. You are minding your own business, fiddling around on your computer. When all of a sudden it strikes. The vaunted Windows blue screen (or blue screen of death aka BSOD) strikes your computer. It reads, beginning of physical memory life insurance quotation Suddenly your computer restarts without permission. Whatever you were working on is lost. If you were playing a game you must start all over again. Memory dump errors are a big pain in the you know what!
They call it the blue screen of death for a reason. And for us Windows users it is something we have to sendmethecard with on occasion. Before we get to preventing the physical memory dump blue screen, we need to learn what causes it to happen in the first place.
There are essentially two major causes of the physical memory dump screen:
1. Running way to many programs at once.
2. Errors in the Windows registry.
The first cause can be fixed rather easily. Simply run fewer programs or purchase additional RAM or Melatonin upgrades. Your computer is running past its specified limits. But keep in mind the blue screen of death should happen very infrequently. If you see the physical memory dump blue screen more often then the problem is clearly......
Errors in the Windows registry.
This is a more complicated problem to deal with. But the solution is rather easy. The registry is the most vital component of your computer. The registry contains settings and information to run all software and hardware on our computers. When there are errors in the registry it disrupts the computers ability to communicate. When the system cannot compute, it freezes up and displays the Windows blue screen.
Stop physical memory dump
The only way to fix these Windows errors is to completely clean out registry errors. I do not recommend doing this manually as you can cause serious damage if you don't know exactly what you are doing.
I personally use a program that has completely stopped the physical memory dump screen from attacking my computer. With it's automated scanning and scheduling it keeps my registry clean like clockwork, all year round.
Check it out yourself with a free scan below.
Sick of your computer freezing up? Want to repair computer errors the easy way? Scan your computer for free and registry-clean-up.netfix corrupt registry problems with the #1 registry cleaner on the internet. After scanning your computer, I promise you will be quite surprised by all the errors on your system.
Jim Marshall is a computer technician expert with over 15 years in the industry. He has an intimate knowledge of the windows registry and various register repair software. After testing some of the top registry cleaners on the market, he has created a comprehensive review site that details his findings.