Saturday, January 17, 2009

Your Previous Kundalini Experiences

It is believed that during our childhood we are able to experience the flow of Kundalini energy easily as the life force energy flows more spontaneously during childhood. If you remember the intense moments of your childhood, whether during play, wrestling with a friend, reading comics or living in moment, you will understand what I am talking about. This also means that Kundalini experience is sell annuity payment something alien to you as you have already experienced it as a child.

As you will progress through your meditative practice these moments of childhood experience will come back to you in flashes. During human growth period through adolescence your Kundalini energy is directed towards nurturing Equity loan guiding your growth. Now as an adult your Kundalini experience will be more subtle and directed towards your spiritual growth.

Even during adulthood people have had experiences of Kundalini surges. It could happen playing a sport, during sexual intercourse, watching something intense and some people feel it by using artificial stimulants like alcohol or drugs. Practicing Hath Yoga is another method to induce a Kundalini rush.

With so many diverse ways to experience Kundalini surge of power, pleasure, bliss, and self realization, you can experiment with your everyday routine and find your own zone for such an intense experience. The biggest road block with most people in modern society is total focus of the mind on the material aspects of life with little or no attention paid to our spiritual nature.

When you consciously learn and practice Kundalini meditation you are just speeding up the natural process of spiritual awakening. By focusing and nurturing the inner self we are strengthening our connection with ourselves and the divine spark which every one possesses. The gradual process leads to ultimate liberation and everlasting joy.

This life force energy permeates the entire universe and is available to all creatures. Most use it for basic survival and procreation purpose. We, as humans, have the intellect and the choice to tap into this energy and develop it to its full potential. We have the potential to develop our neurological system to receive unlimited energy flow by enhancing our deeper levels of consciousness which are beyond the physical survival instincts. I will discuss and give you an introduction to the seven energy chakras (centers) in the next write-up. Meanwhile I would suggest that you continue with the practice of breath meditation as told earlier by me.

I am a deeply involved in my spiritual practice as it gives a complete sense of fulfillment to my life and my being. This is just a small attempt to share what I have learned with other who might be keen to explore this joyous path to liberation of mind and well being.

AoC Macros

AoC Macro is nothing new to the gaming industry. Since its release, a great number of AoC macros, guides and even bots are being passed on from one gamer to the other. Some macros are more useful than others, while some are more commonly found and so on and so forth.

Macros are in fact codes which gamers do not necessarily need to understand but can make us of to make the game much more interesting and exciting. The typical macro comes with a guide which tells the user how to make us of the macro.

One of the AoC macros I've come across is the combo macro tool and here it is as an example for readers as to what macros is all about.

For key combos in Age of Conan, you'll need a G15 keyboard. So to everyone without a G15 keyboard (or even with one), use this lovely and fully legal software hotkey! Given that this program does not read screen pixels or memory locations, you obviously can't get banned from using this.

This is a very easy and basic tool. What it does: Grab every selected keys from the keyboard and sends a combination of keys back to a selected program/game. If you search for the term 'hotkey' in search engines, there should be quite a lot of results from which you would browse for more information and find out where to get it.

How I use it:
Create a text file and put in your key combos.
Here is a example of 1 key combo:

[hotkey 1[

[sendwin "Age of Conan"]

[sendpc local]

[key 1]

[wait 500]

[keydown ALT][wait 100][key 3][wait 100][keyup ALT]

[wait 200]

This example the default arrow on 1,2 and 3 have been removed, and uses the arrow on the extra bars by using the ALT key to bring up the menu. What this key does is: When you press 1 on your keyboard, the equity line of credit rates tool sends Key 1, Alt-3.

This combo can be at any length.

To explain the code:
[hotkey 1] The number of the key hotkey waits on before running this combo. In this case key 1. Remember, this has nothing to do with what key is binded in AoC. Since this software reads keypress before AoC, and if that key is a hotkey, it does not send this key to AOC. Meaning, I can press 1 on keyboard and the hotkey makes that key 4 in AoC.

[sendwin "Age of Conan"] Tells hotkey on what window to send the keys to. Default AoC window is Age of Conan.

[sendpc local] Decide of the combo is sent to only local PC or remote PC also and yes, it supports multiple computers.

[key 1] The first key in combo (sends key 1 to AoC).

[wait 500] Then waits 500 ms before sending next key.

[keydown ALT][wait 100][key 3][wait 100][keyup ALT] This does first press down the ALT key (of course not physically on your keyboard). Then wait for 100ms before pressing the 3 key (up/right arrow) then again waits 100ms before releasing the ALT key.

[wait 200] This tells hotkey how long before sending next key combo you select (if you spam the keys). This should be about the length of the combo animation.

The author has contributed his guides at strategyfreaksgames/age_of_conan/strategyfreaksgames/age_of_conan/ as well as other community sites. He has been playing Age of Conan and other MMORPGs including WoW and LotRO for many years and plans to continue sharing his guides with other members of online game community sites.

Pay Off Debts and Have More Money

Think it's impossible to pay off debt? Getting out of debt is a simple, step-by-step process but it is not easy. It takes hard work, discipline and persistence but it can be done and the rewards are great. Reducing debt is one of the hottest goals that many people have to make. However, not every one of them can work until they pay off the last cents. Getting out of debt is all about two things: 1) Making the largest payment you can afford, and 2) making sure your debt is at the lowest interest rate. Tip: If you tell a debt collector not to contact you at work, he must stop doing second mortgage rates immediately. Follow up in writing, and if the debt collector continues to call you when you are the job, get in touch with a consumer law attorney.

Watch your expenses. One of the biggest expenses is eating out. A basic meal for two in a fast food or family style restaurant can cost about twelve dollars not including the tip. If you eat out multiple meals on multiple days, it can add up to a considerable amount. Taking that money and adding it to grocery or other bill money, you can increase your resources.

You should also realize that improving your credit score will take time. Like most important things in life, it will take a commitment and won't happen overnight. Stick with it and you'll succeed.

Know your rights. Under the FDCPA, debt collectors may not harass consumers to try to collect a debt. The best guidelines for STAYING out of debt are basically the same as the ones for GETTING out of debt.

From my personal experience with reducing debt, I honestly suggest you compare auto insurance quotes the awesome tips on debtreliefamerica.orghow to get out of debt at the following website: Learning the techniques found there was the turning point for me, and I think it will be the same for you.

The Mysterious Connection Between the Black Dahlia and Fauna Hodel

As much as I would like to say that I solved the mystery of the murder of Elizabeth Short, a.k.a. The Black Dahlia, I cannot. But the man who did is a retired L.A. Homicide Detective. This is the back story of that mystery; directly connected to the alleged killer.

I discovered this infinitely more fascinating story, about 20 years ago by accident. This article is far too limiting to present the many details. But here are some highlights.

  • The young mother is a descendant of Millard Fillmore on one side and the physician of Tzar Nicholas of Russia on the other.
  • She was Home refinancing calculator to move to Mexico to be away from her baby and her father after a widely publicized incest trial.
  • The baby's birth certificate states that the father was "Negro" (remember this is 1951).
  • She named the baby Fauna after a Robinson Jeffers' poem and insisted the name never be changed because of a large inheritance.
  • Before the incest trial, she became pregnant by her father who wanted to keep the baby.
Now this may seem like a lot of odd circumstances about a mother and her baby. After all lots of children are from mixed families, but the key elements to this story really have to do with the relationship between the baby and her new mother - the woman who raised her to be who she is today.

This black woman, under any circumstances is the last person one would want to entrust with a newborn child - at least on the surface. But at the time of the "give away" adoption, there was no concern for the welfare of the child. It was more about getting rid of a mixed race baby as quickly and quietly as possible. Here are some interesting notes about the black mother.

  • The first thing she did was change the baby's name to Patricia Ann Greenway.
  • She worked as a restroom attendant at a segregated Nevada casino.
  • Her common law marriage was to a full time shoe shine man and part time Pentecostal preacher.
  • Not only could she not conceive a child; she never wanted children, particularly an adopted one.
  • She was an alcoholic with little fear of any person or institution.
Of course that's only a small part of her character and not the best part, but again, the story isn't about her either. The real story revolves around the child growing up trying to find out how she became estranged from her biological family, and more importantly why.

The underlying motivation explores the complexities of not belonging to your natural tribe while trying to conform to their arbitrary rules. This story embodies survival and perseverance. Daunting psychological and emotional hurtles often produce permanent damage in an individual.

The story is about passion and prejudice; hatred and sex; violence and love. Conflicting elements we often acquire from our childhood and retain through our lives, rarely with resolution. It is never too late to take life lessons from the most challenged in our society.

This story is about hope and the color of love.

The author began writing in high school and throughout college and first published articles in sporting and finance magazines. The recent release of his first full biographical novel has created a buzz in Hollywood for the film rights. You can see some photos of these real characters at onedayshelldarkenonedayshelldarken

Some of his work on business and finance can be found at ProBusinessHelpProBusinessHelp