Can You Make Life Easier With a Hot Tub Cover Lifter?
There are many reasons to cover Erectile Dysfunction hot tub, many of which are health related. The cover is great for holding the heat in and and debris out. In addition, the amount of electricity needed to keep the water heated is reduced which reduces your costs, and this way the cover eventually pays for itself. The risk of children or pets falling into the hot tub is reduced when a cover is properly used. And the list goes on. In fact, the only drawback to a hot tub cover is lifting it off of the tub.
The original purchased hot tub cover generally weighs between 20 and 30 pounds. Insulation within the cover collects moisture over time as it sits over the spa. This can increase the weight to close to 100 pounds. This makes it difficult to remove, especially if you're attempting to remove it alone. Oftentimes, hot tub owners opt to uncover part of the tub and leave the rest covered so they don't have to pick up the full weight of the cover. For those who wish to reclaim the use of the rest of their spa, hot tub cover lifters are available. A cover lifter assists you car to donate the removal and storage of the spa cover.
Hot Tub Cover Lifters are Available in a Wide Variety of Styles
After deciding to purchase a hot tub cover lifter you need to make the choice between different styles and options. Some cover lifters will mechanically lift the cover for you while others assist you in safely a pulling or pushing the lid off without damaging it. Most of the styles available hold the cover off the ground to protect it from damage, which is an important feature considering the cost of replacement covers.
When shopping for your hot tub cover lifter it's important to have measurements available because you will need to know the measurement for the clearance between the hot tub and its enclosure. A general rule of thumb is to give a clearance of 2 feet between the hot tub and the fence or gazebo to allow all the lifter enough space, although there are some which only require 6 inches for those of you who have much tighter quarters.
There are different options for the storage of the cover itself as well. Some store the cover folded in half; this can make it easier for you to enjoy the view around you. Others store the cover standing upright which can work as a privacy board as well as extra protection from wind. When making your choices consider the amount of space you have and which one will best suit the surrounding of your hot tub.
Hot tub covers are a important item to protect both your spa and your loved ones, and a cover lifter makes using the cover easier and more convenient. Having the ability to move and store your hot tub cover in a safe manner will add life to the cover itself in this means not only saving you money but allowing you to increase the life your spa, thereby increasing the time that you are able to relax and enjoy life.
Visit us for more information on hot tub parts and hot tub accessories.