Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gong Xi Fa Cai - Finding the Perfect Chinese New Year Cards

In its way, Chinese New Year is mesothelioma prognosis different from the New Year celebrated on January 1 by so much of the rest of the world. It is time of well wishes and love. People hope for good fortune, happiness, health, and wealth for the coming year. A lot of people offer these good wishes by sending their loved ones Chinese New Year cards.

This is a common practice no matter what your culture is or when your new year celebration takes place. You want the people you love to know you are thinking of them. You want them to know that you are wishing them well.

When choosing a card to send someone for the Chinese New Year you have a veritable wealth of fantastic cards from web hosting service comparison to choose. It all depends on your relationship to the recipient. Sending New Years cards to friends and loved ones is a time honored tradition.

The same is true for those who celebrate Chinese New Year. Of course, with the advent of ecards and holiday greetings sent through the Internet, they are becoming immeasurably more possible. The only real difference here is the style and sentiment of the cards in question.

Many cards celebrating the Chinese New Year are decorated with the things you see during the two week celebrations associated with the holiday. For example, both Prozac prescription cards and electronic cards often incorporate fireworks displays. These are common practice during Chinese New Year, which is why such cards are so popular.

Dragons, Chinese characters, and the symbolic foods popular during Chinese New Year also make for great greeting card designs. Basically, any type of design which is special to you and/or your family will provide just the right sentiment.

If all else fails, you should always feel free to design a card of your own. You can even include your own hand written fortunes and well wishes, which provide an extra, personal touch to the whole affair. This can be ideal, and it certainly presents you with a way to show your loved ones exactly how you feel.

Henry Fong

henryfongFeng Shui Consultant.

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Stand up, Speak up!

My father established our relationship when I was seven years old. He looked at me and said, You know, I brought you into this world, and I can take you out. And it don't make no difference to me, I'll make another one look just like you.'

Did it make you smile? That famous line was once said by Stand Up Comics Hall Antipsychotic Therapy Famer Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby is a successful comedian, product endorser, story teller, author and television and film actor. Cosby is one of the most respected comedians in Hollywood and not to mention his numerous awards to boot. He started his career as a stand up comedian wherein he developed his trademark using raceless humor to capture his audience.

Anyone who has ever tried going to comedy night at a local comedy club can attest that not just because you look Who Can Use Viagra think funny or you can make your friends laugh does it automatically mean that you are a good comedian. Being a comedian is such a difficult job, and a stand comic at that, it's doubly agonizing. With a live audience in front of you, it can be a nightmare for the mediocre, aspiring comics!

That's why, stand up comedians are really admirable with their craft in making the audience laugh. They are very good in poking jokes or situations that make the audience giggle with laughter until their sides hurt not minding that they are being watched by lots of people. But, as was mentioned, not all can be a good comedian, not everyone can be a stand up comic, and not everyone can speak in front of an audience.

Public speaking, performing on stage or giving a presentation in front of a large crowd can be very difficult thing to handle by other people. Unlike seasoned comedians like Bill Cosby, there are some individuals who experience racing heart, shaking knees, sweaty hands and shortness of breath when home equity calculator in public. These are some signs of a person with anxiety symptoms. It is a feeling like you want to get out and run from a frightening situation. Situations that are ever present in our everyday lives.

According to the holy trinity for comedians, there are three qualities to remember to be a good comedy act; youve got to have good material, youve got to have a sense of timing, and youve got to have a stage presence. As with public speaking there are also important rules to remember to conquer the fright.

Familiarize yourself with the place you are about to speak or do a presentation. Arrive early and prepared. Walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone.

Greet the audience as they arrive. It is much easier to talk to a group of friends than to a group of strangers.

Practice your speech or presentation and revise it if necessary. If your uncomfortable with your material, your tension will increase.

Exercise. Relax and take a deep breath before your speech or presentation.

Visualize. Imagine yourself successfully giving your speech.

Concentrate on the message. Focus your attention away from your anxieties but on your speech and your audience.

Twist your nervousness into positive energy and enthusiasm.

Moreover, do not apologize for any nervousness you think you have with your speech, you might be calling attention to your audience to something that they did not even notice. Try to also realize and bear in mind that the people want you to succeed and they do not want you to fail.

So the next time you have a big presentation or a speaking engagement, add some humor to it to shake that nerves off and remember another famous quote from one of the comedy greats, Bill Cosby: Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.