Monday, February 23, 2009

Professional Porcelain, China and Ceramic Repair

If your eight-year old knocks over your favorite antique porcelain vase, The Flash your china set is showing signs of cracking, do not pick up the super glue! Many people will use online sources to try to repair the damages to their prized china, porcelain, and ceramic valuables on their own. Although these methods may keep a few pieces together, some of the glues suggested are almost impossible to remove and makes re-repair hopeless. Also, shoddy patch-up jobs will actually significantly decrease the monetary value of item. If the broken item truly is valuable and precious, you ought to call a respectable porcelain, china, and ceramic repair shop to professionally and correctly mend your piece.

If you have a precious family heirloom or a valuable antique piece of china, porcelain, or ceramic that needs repair, follow these simple steps:

1. Collect all the pieces! It is important to bring every piece possible to the shop because it is more difficult and expensive to create a new piece than it is to just reassemble the original pieces.

2. Consult with a professional repair shop about the restoration of your item. Most shops offer free estimates. They will help you decide if your item is worth restoring or if the job is even possible. If your ceramic vase shatters into too many tiny pieces, proper repair may be impossible. But if the break is simple and if the broken item is rare and expensive, professional repair may reclaim much of its value. However, if its monetary value is low, it may not be worth the cost of repairing it professionally. In this case, super glue may be your best option. 1949 Bowman baseball cards the situation, a professional can guide you to make the best decision.

3. Package your item properly. It is better to personally deliver your china, porcelain, or ceramic item to the repair shop, but whether you are hand delivering it or mailing it, it is important to package your item properly. It is best to wrap every broken piece individually so that the sharp edges of one Nutty Mads do not scratch and further damage other pieces. It is best to double box items with at least two inches of packing around the item and in between boxes. Extra fragile pieces require specially designed packages and special shipping. Fortunately, most porcelain pieces like cups, dishes, and most figurines do not need special packaging. If you have questions about packaging and shipping your item, call the repair shop for answers.

The repair shop will then go through a special ceramic repair process.

* First, they clean the item of dirt, glue and old repairs. Then they assemble and glue the broken pieces together. They also seal progressing cracks.
* Where porcelain is cracked or chipped it will appear white. Professionals will carefully touch up the colors by carefully matching the original surface color.
* Next, repair professionals will remake lost fragments of the valuable item if needed.
* They will then conceal all hairline fractures giving the item an unbroken appearance.
* Finally, the repaired section of a ceramic item will be resurfaced to match the original finish.

If you take the proper steps to collect all the pieces and safely deliver all the pieces, professionals can do miracles for your precious family heirlooms and antique ceramics.

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In Loving Memory Poems

The loss of a loved one is possibly the most difficult experience that many of us ever go through. It Marvel Team-Up be a very painful time of life, ball jointed dolls can even be very hard to think.

If you have recently Odd Rods such a loss, its understandable that you might be looking for the right poem to express how you feel about the person you recently lost. It is also understandable that you might yourself be far too mired down Super Powers figures your own grief to think clearly what to say or do.

There are a few important things to remember, when someone has died.

1. When a person dies, that doesn't mean that the person is gone forever, or that the person no longer exists. In fact, it doesn't even mean that you won't see that person again. We are all spiritual beings. When our bodies die, that doesn't mean that we ourselves also die. In fact, no matter what your religion is, I'm sure you can agree that we are spiritual beings and not bodies. This is one belief that all religions have in common.

2. Whether you believe that people go to heaven or hell when they die, or whether you believe that people are born again after they die, the fact remains that they go somewhere. They still exist, they are the same individual as they were before they died. They have thoughts and feelings, and they may even still remember you for a long time to come. But no matter what, remember that there is always a chance you will see them again - whether it be in a future life, or in heaven. (Unless of course you suspect your loved one is going to hell and aren't planning on joining him or her there - but if you are reading this article, the chances that either one of you would be destined in that direction are slim.)

With that said, lets move on to the subject of "In Loving Memory Poems."

Your poem of bereavement can be something which you write yourself, or which is written by a family. These poems can be extremely moving for the rest of your family and friends, whether they are read out at funerals services, or under other circumstances.

Another option is to find funeral poems which have already been written. One of the most famous is the one entitled "Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep." But there are many others.

If you are going to write your poem of bereavement on your own, in loving memory of your lost friend, family member, or spouse, here are a few basic rules of advice:

1. Try to keep your poem personal and unique. Think about how you feel and try to put that into words.

2. Keep a good rhythm in your poem - it makes it much more moving, and more powerful. If you can rhyme, do. But regardless, try to make your poem flow.

3. One useful technique for keeping poems rhythmic is what I call "finger counting." This is a simple matter of keeping a regular pattern of syllables and accents in each line. For example, your poem may have the same number of syllables on each line, or it may have a repeating pattern.

For example:

Line 1: 7 syllables

Line 2: 5 syllables

Line 3: 7 syllables

Line 4: 5 syllables

Line 5: 7 syllables

Line 6: 5 syllables

Line 7: 7 syllables

Line 8: 5 syllables

As you can see there is a repeating pattern and rhythm. This is just one example of how it can be done. You can try any arrangement that works for you. The important thing is to try to keep it rhythmic, with a repeating pattern that changes little. This is what gives poems their musical quality and what makes them so powerful.

I hope this information is helpful to you and I hope you get through this difficult time. Remember, there is one thing that whomever you have lost would probably not want. That person would most likely not want you to remain sad or in emotional pain for a long, long time. So - do a good job for the funeral, express your admiration for your lost loved-one, and give them the excellent service they deserve.

Then remember to move on to happier times, create in your life, help others, and have a great future.

Anna Williams has been writing poetry since the age of four. For poems of bereavement and funeral poems, visit her website, inlovingmemorypoems.infoIn Loving Memory Poems .