Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Funds For Non-Profits - 4 Insider Secrets For Fast Fundraising Success

Does your charitable or non-profit need money, preferably right away? If you're like almost everybody else in the non-profit sector, chances are, the answer is yes. You're constantly raising funds, and yet, the funds just never arrive fast enough. What to do? Here are 7 tips for greater success with acquiring those much-needed funds:

1. Pay Attention to Your Donor Demographics.

Individuals are still the largest source of philanthropic giving in the U.S., according to Giving USA 2008. Review your current individual donor database. Determine the demographics of your current donors - age, education level, income level, gender, etc. Then, create a plan to reach more of those donors with a message that connects with them.

2. Identify Foundations & Corporations that have given to a similar cause.

Foundations and Corporations can provide a great source of non-profit grants and funding. They key questions are who to approach and how to approach them. Look for foundations and corporations who already have given to a cause or organization similar to yours - especially in your local community. And, when you approach them, make sure you clearly articulate the benefits for THEM.

3. Explore Partnering with Other Non-Profit Organizations.

In true "Joint Venture" form, approach another non-profit organization with an upcoming fundraising event. Ask them if you can participate with them - both sharing in the workload and in the fundraising. Make sure you can articulate to them how their workload decreases and their fundraising increases if you're involved.

4. Solidify Your Online Presence.

Does your organization have a best rate loans An online search is Find a real date tonight! of the first places a potential donor turns to determine if an organization is legitimate. Access your local high school computer club or community college IT students for expertise - and, make sure you pay them something. You'll get better results, and it shows them that you value them.

Want more tips and strategies for raising funds fast? Check out this Free Report on 7 secrets of fast fund-raising at and meet Kristy J. Hall, the innovative creator of a cutting-edge audio and video training series who helps non-profits raise funds in 30 days or less.


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